Woman drowned her dog – to get on board

Woman drowned her dog to get on board

A 57-year-old woman at an airport in Florida took a terrible action when she was denied bringing her dog on the plane.

The woman went into a toilet, drowned the dog and put it in a soup bag – and then continue through the security check and board.

Was caught on surveillance film

According to information from ABC News Shows surveillance films that the woman first had a discussion with the airline’s staff for about 15 minutes, with her she had her dwarf schnauzer Tywinn in leash.

After being told that Tywinn must not follow the plane, the woman disappears into the toilet with the dog.

The dog was found by cleaning staff

About 20 minutes later, the woman came out alone and went straight to the street.

A caretaker, who responded that there was water and dog food on the floor, later made the horrific discovery – the dog was dead in a soup bag. With the help of an implanted microchip, the animal could be identified.

Arrested for rough animal cruelty

The woman was arrested shortly after the incident, suspected of gross animal cruelty. She has now been released against the castle of about SEK 50,000.
