Woman declared dead for six days – accidentally

Woman declared dead for six days accidentally

Published: Just now

fullscreen Skåne’s university hospital has Ivo-reported itself after accidentally declaring a woman dead. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A woman was accidentally pronounced dead after a doctor’s visit. She discovered it herself after her bank ID stopped working.

– I felt shock, anger, how could this have happened? How is the pension going? Am I left anywhere? says the woman to SVT Skåne.

The doctor at Skåne University Hospital had accidentally sent in a death certificate for the woman. She was pronounced dead for six days before she discovered the mistake herself.

But it has taken considerably longer to re-emerge. More than six months after the death declaration, she still cannot be sure that she is in all the records.

Now the incident is reported to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo), reports P4 Malmöhus.
