Woman charged with murder of a 17-year-old in Norrköping

According to the investigation, the woman lured the 17-year-old to the scene and then shot him. On her way to the crime scene, she was caught by a surveillance camera.

The woman is also suspected of being the one who shot at a door on Smedjegatan in Norrköping in November 2023. She is also suspected of other crimes and the underlying cause is believed to be the gang conflict in Norrköping.

The wave of violence in Norrköping

The 20-year-old suspect is registered in Gävle and has been in custody since the beginning of the year.

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In the clip above, three examples are listed where women have been involved in serious crime in Östergötland. Photo: SVT/SVT Design Photo: SVT/SVT Design
