Woman charged with murder in Norrköping – used Blocket ad

The first crime for which the woman is charged took place late in the evening on November 15 last year. Several shots were then fired through an apartment door in Norrköping.

– People have been completely indifferent to the fact that there were eight people awake in this home. It’s just a coincidence that no one was hit, says Jan Staaf, commissioner and investigation leader at the Norrköping Police.

In December, she is suspected of having been hired for new crimes and broke into several apartment buildings.

– On the 18th, she tried to get into various properties and stairwells. Initially, she was suspected of attempted murder, and vandalism because she broke a gate. It is only hypothesis that she would commit deed there too but we cannot prove it. We got no further in the investigations and have not been able to prosecute her for it, says Jan Staaf.

Executed at close range after Blocket trap

Two days later, on the afternoon of December 20, the second incident for which she could be prosecuted took place – a brutal open street murder.

The young woman is suspected of tricking a 17-year-old boy into a bus and tram stop in Marielund in Norrköping. There she then shot the teenager dead with several shots, including in the head, according to the indictment.

– She executed him with shots at very close range. The young guy had posted an item for sale on Blocket and she answered it and decided the time and place. The place was this bus stop and quite immediately after they made contact with each other she fired the shots, says Jan Staaf.

Suspected gang torpedo

The address shot at in November, the stairwells she tried to break into and the 17-year-old murder victim all link to the same side of the the violent conflict that shook Norrköping for over a year. The 20-year-old woman is suspected of having been hired by the rival gang.

– We have two rival groups. In Marielund and in that area, we have a loosely composed group of guys, and these are precisely the people who have been exposed.

The woman, who hails from another part of the country, is said to have gone to Norrköping last autumn – to act as a torpedo, according to the suspicions.

Experienced police officer: “It’s very unusual”

– It is very rare that a woman is the perpetrator and has the role of executor. Both I and the intelligence service first came into contact with her in mid-October when she was involved in a fight at a place the police suspected of drug abuse. In connection with that, she was caught with a couple of cartridges and was suspected of weapons offences, says Jan Staaf, who has been a police officer for over 20 years.

– She appears to be a typical executor, i.e. someone who is brought in to carry out assignments.

In the investigation, the police have not been able to see how much the woman allegedly received in money to carry out the crime.

– We don’t see it in any transactions, but we see in chats that she talks about payment in secret. It is tragic and unfortunate that young guys and in this case girls are preying on this for payment and carrying out these horrific acts.

The woman denies any crime and has been very tight-lipped during questioning.
