Woman and child shot – not life-threatening

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

“It is a woman and a boy who have gunshot wounds,” said police spokesperson Johnny Gustavsson during Friday evening to TT.

During the evening, the police were able to announce that neither of the two people suffered life-threatening injuries in connection with the shooting. The extent of the damage is otherwise unclear.

As of late Friday night, no one had yet been arrested.

“Am so scared”

The shooting happened outdoors in connection with a playground and several shots are said to have been fired. Several people were nearby.

– The woman was lying on the ground screaming and panicking, I saw that she had been hit a couple of centimeters below the groin, says an eyewitness Eskilstuna-Kuriren.

“I don’t know what to say, I’m so scared,” says another eyewitness SVT News Sörmland.

The incident is classified as attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences.

A number of separate areas at the playground were cordoned off during Friday evening.

— In those cordons, it is particularly important for us to look for possible traces, says Gustavsson.

During the evening, the police searched the area with drones and carried out door knocking. The police have also started a special management organization for the operation.

“Will move from here”

Eskilstuna has been hit by a long series of shootings in 2022. As recently as Sunday, there was a shooting in the Skiftinge district and another suspicious one in Årby.

— There is a shooting almost every other day here. Our family has looked at another place to live, we will move from here, says a man who lives in Årby, to SVT after Friday night’s shooting.

It was around 7pm on Friday evening that the alarm about the shooting came in.
