Woman acquitted in high-profile case where police traded drugs for sugar

It was in March that the police checked a shipment at a grocery store in Vännäs. In connection with that, the police patrol found a package that smelled of amphetamine and exchanged the contents for sugar. Four people were later arrested and all were charged with attempted serious drug offences.

The person who picked up the shipment was acquitted by the district court earlier this year. Because the amphetamine had been replaced with sugar, it could not be proven that the man’s intent was formed before the narcotics were replaced. The other three were sentenced to prison between just over two years and 18 months for attempted serious drug offences.

Woman is completely freed

Now the Court of Appeal for Upper Norrland has tried the case and acquits one more person. A woman who was sentenced by the district court to two years in prison is now fully acquitted as the Court of Appeal believes that the prosecutor did not prove that she was involved in ordering the amphetamine.

According to the court of appeals verdict, the woman must have been made aware that the drugs were ordered in her name and to her home address only after the order had been placed – something that made her not want to pick up the shipment either.

She is now fully exonerated of her involvement. The Court of Appeal confirms the verdicts against the two others who were convicted of attempted serious drug offences. A 45-year-old woman is jailed for one year and six months. A man in his 20s is sentenced to two years and one month.
