Manchester City ended up in a draw against Brighton. The reigning champion is fifth in the Premiership.
Football in the English Premier League’s tail end struggle for the main leagues became clearer on Saturday, when Wolverhampton took a 2-1 away win from Southampton.
Wolves both goals were made by Norwegian striker Jörgen Strand Larsen.
Wolverhampton ripped up a nine point difference to the ipswich below the drop line, which lost to Nottingham at home 2-4. Premier League Ipswich has played all ten of its Premier League games this year without winning.
Leicester, who is at a level with Ipswich, has a round against Manchester United on Sunday.
Manchester City again lost series points when it had to settle for a 2-2 home game against Brighton. The fifth city in the league table is under the rock of next season’s Champions League.