In 2024, in particular, glaciers in Scandinavia, the Svalbard region and in the northern parts of Asia lost the most mass in their measurement history.
The world’s glaciers have melted the most in the last three years during the measurement history, according to a recent report by the UN Meteorological Organization of the UN Meteorological Organization.
According to the organization, it was a third consecutive year when all the world’s glacial areas experienced the shrinkage of glaciers.
“The preservation of glaciers is not only an environmental, economic or social necessity, but it is about survival,” said WMO Secretary General Celeste Saulo.
In 2024, glaciers, especially in Scandinavia, the Svalbard area and in the northern parts of Asia, lost the most mass in their measurement history.
According to WMO’s estimates, many glaciers in the United States, Scandinavia and Central Europe will not be able to survive the century.
The melting of glaciers is predicted to accelerate as a result of climate change.
For the first time, we celebrate international glaciers’ Day for the first time.
Sources: AFP, Reuters