Witnesses from Hovsjö: “We saw people running so we ran too”

Two anonymous witnesses tell SVT’s reporter that they heard the shots.

– We were kind of really close. We saw people running so we ran too.

Residents say that they are now gathered around the center of Hovsjö and are waiting for information from the police.

– We are sitting out here waiting for what the police can say to all of us. Everyone is sitting now and is very scared and doesn’t know what will happen next, says Aia Alsen.

“Disaster, it’s only getting worse”

Another anonymous witness says that they lived in Hovsjö for nine years with their mother and grandmother. Now the witness wants to move from here and does not dare to go out.

– Disaster, it will only get worse, says one resident.

Another resident of the area says he heard that the police found bullets and magazines in the residential area near where he lives.
