Witness to the murders: “The screams quickly died down”

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Four witnesses have been called: a student and a teacher who saw parts of the crime and two of the police officers who were involved in arresting the accused 18-year-old.

Six relatives of one of the murdered teachers are in the security room and sit at the same table as the plaintiff’s counsel Rasmus Lovén. It is the first day relatives are in the hall.

The accused 18-year-old stares down at the table and looks visibly moved.

Teachers felt worried

The first witness is a teacher who had the 18-year-old as a student on the day of the crime, March 21.

— He asked several questions about the camera surveillance at the school and talked about being filmed, which I thought was very strange. Thought there were people watching live on the cameras, says the teacher.

The teacher became concerned and contacted the student health service after the lesson and was told that they would bring the 18-year-old up for discussion at a meeting to be held the following day.

The teacher remained at the school and at 5pm she and a student who was with her heard a “terrible scream, roar”.

— At first I thought it was a film recording, some students recording a sketch, there are some students who take the opportunity to do it when most have gone home. But when we heard another scream, I saw in an inner vision that this has something to do with NN (the defendant’s name).

When the teacher tells this, the 18-year-old hides his face in both hands and sobs.

“The screams quickly died down”

The teacher looked out into the corridor and saw the 18-year-old standing and slashing at a body.

— Even though he was wearing a black hoodie, I recognize him. He hits with a wooden shaft and the screams quickly died down, and I thought that the person lying there will never live again.

The trial ends on Thursday with the closing arguments of the prosecutor, the plaintiff’s attorneys and the defense.

Since the minor mental examination already carried out on the 18-year-old concluded that he may be suspected of having a serious mental disorder, his lawyer Anders Elison expects that his client will undergo a major forensic psychiatric examination before the penalty is determined.
