“Without numbers is much better”

In Diablo 4, there are builds that allow players to do trillions of dollars in damage. The numbers just fly across the screen – but some players find that it’s actually much better without it.

On Reddit, the community is currently discussing the need for damage figures themselves. In his post on April 24th, “bdanred” wrote that he had simply hidden the damage numbers in Diablo 4 and that was fantastic.

As soon as you get high enough in level, all the numbers are huge anyway. And you can’t tell him that you actually count the number of commas and digits on the huge numbers. Other users note that the many numbers only mean that you can no longer see everything.

Behind the damage numbers in Diablo 4 there are better graphics since ray tracing:

Diablo 4 with better graphics: This is what the ARPG with ray tracing looks like

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Why is it better without numbers? In his Reddit post, “bdanred” writes that he turned off the damage numbers in Season 1 and never turned it back. “You can actually see what’s happening on the screen. You’ll know when something hits hard because the HP bar moves or [die Feinde] die straight away,” he notes and recommends that everyone try it out.

Numerous users agree with him in the comments. Many make points that speak against showing the damage figures, such as:

  • you don’t see everything that’s going on
  • the numbers are meaningless
  • they disrupt the immersion
  • How do I turn this off? In the menu you will find the setting “Display mode for combat texts” under the “Gameplay” tab. There you can either display all of them, hide damage numbers or hide all numbers for damage and status effects.

    You can use the setting to select different display modes.

    “The number crunch really ruins the experience”

    What does the community specifically say about this? The user “tianvay” notes in his comment on Reddit that he is playing the campaign on his new system and stumbled upon the setting to turn off the numbers. “I’ll never turn it on again, you can actually see what’s going on and the game is beautiful.”

    The user “Cameronx88” writes in the comment on Reddit that he turned it off and never turned it on again. “Watching videos with all the number crunching really ruins the experience.” StartPraYing also says on Reddit that this is “the best way to experience the world in a truly immersive way.”

    “DannyKoll1” writes on Reddit that he didn’t initially play a build that triggered “vulnerable” because that was also shown on the screen every time. “That’s why I was so happy that they introduced the option to turn off the combat text.” He could completely understand the creator of the post.

    The user “E_Barriick” only turns on the numbers if he wants to test something specific on the training dummies, he writes on Reddit. Other users would like to be able to display the damage numbers in a more differentiated way, such as only critical damage hits or damage numbers above a certain value.

    Are there other opinions too? “Black_at_it_again_1” says on Reddit that the game looks much better with numbers and status effects turned off. “Tom0511” replies: “I don’t know, I like watching them pop.”

    “Black_at_it_again_1” notes that a lot of people seem to feel this way. “But enemies die in the same way, without being covered by numbers.” “Mephistos_bane84” writes that he likes that too and he wants to see the numbers he causes. Other users jokingly note that the ego shrinks when you don’t see big numbers.

    In addition to the flying damage figures, the zoom factor was also a topic that was discussed a lot. With Season 4 there will be an opportunity in Diablo 4 to see more of the game. Players rave about this tiny detail: “As stupid as it sounds, I would play for it again.”
