The correct selection and combination of armor and the matching decorations and skills plays an important role in Monster Hunter Wilds. A player has calculated the height of the healing in Monster Hunter Wilds, which you can get with two of the most popular sets.
Danger: There are small spoilers in the text that refer to a unveiling in the story. If you have not yet entered Nata’s homeland, you have been warned.
What sets are it about? Specifically, it is about the two sets that you can get from the flagship monster Arkveld. Both sets each bring skills with which you can heal passively during your fights if certain requirements are met.
This is how the regular Arkveld set heal when I am constantly attacking your goal and the Wächter-Arkveld set, if you destroy wounds, for a certain percentage of your life beam. This healing can also be reinforced by other skills, so that you can repeat yourself during your fights and almost constantly heal on the side without consuming potions.
So far it has not been seen how much this healing actually is. A player on Reddit has now made the trouble and calculated the whole thing.
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“I carried out the calculations for the healing of the Arkveld sets so that you don’t have to do it”
What did the player calculate? User Facevaluemc shares his findings about the healing powers of the Arkveld sets on Reddit with the community. With his calculations and experiments, he came to the following findings:
The Wächter-Arkveld set in particular is particularly powerful if you also concentrate with your style of play and your build on beating and maximizing wounds. Especially if you combine this armor with the “relaxation plus” skill, you can create a strong healing building with this armor. If you do this clever, you hardly need any more healing potions.
How did the player calculate that? In order to calculate the exact healing strength, Facevaluemc used a pixel meter and first measured the total length of the life bar when it was buffed by a meal. Then he went into the training zone and let himself be wounded by the dummy there to reduce his health and to activate the healing forces with the different sets on different levels.
Then he measured the number of pixels that he restored by the skills. He notes that this may not be a 100 % clean method, but he has made many attempts and always came to the same results, which is why he was very certain that the values of reality are at least very close.
What does the community say? Fans are very grateful for his effort and share his opinion on the power of the Arkveld sets:
Some players also find the game simplified by the strong healing and therefore avoid it in a targeted manner. The level of difficulty has always been hot in the community and meets a wide variety of opinions. A veteran has recently reached hunter 100 and is sure to know why many think that the game is too easy: Veteran with Jägerrank 100 explains why Monster Hunter Wilds feels easier