You can choose from 82 different skills in Starfield. We’ll show you 5 builds so that your build doesn’t end in chaos.
In Starfield there are 82 different skills, which are divided into 5 skill trees and then further divided into four levels. Given the large selection, some questions may arise as to how you should actually invest your valuable skill points.
We have already shown you 5 skills that are useful when starting out. Now we want to introduce you to 5 builds that will help you get the most out of your skills later in the game.
What are these builds? The 5 builds we present to you here all serve a specific purpose and therefore prove to be very useful as the game progresses – especially if you prefer a certain play style.
We didn’t just choose pure combat builds here because they are designed for combat, thereby neglecting other aspects of role-playing.
Each of the builds mentioned contains a maximum of 25 skills, so that you can – if desired – bring every skill in the first 100 levels to level 4. However, since Starfield has no level limit, you can of course learn additional skills and go beyond level 100.
The Space Pirate
What kind of build is this? A pirate must be able to handle his ship and get rid of enemy pursuers. Pirates are also criminal and ruthless. The Space Pirate build consists of skills that promote a criminal playstyle.
Who is the build for? The Space Pirate is particularly interesting for players who like to act dishonestly. Do you want to pick locks, steal from NPCs, smuggle, loot corpses and hijack other spaceships? Perfect! Do you occasionally have to shoot your way out and get rid of annoying UC Security spaceships? No problem!
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The persuader
What kind of build is this? With the persuasion artist, you focus primarily on conducting conversations and exploiting various dialogue options. Above all, you want to convince your opponents of your views with words and you don’t shy away from intimidation, manipulation or bribery.
In addition, with this build you will still have some skill points left even if you have brought all the skills mentioned here to their maximum level.
Who is the build for? The persuasive artist is clearly aimed at RPG fans who would rather slip into a role than always fall through the door with their weapon drawn. If you do find yourself involved in a fight, you will be experienced in using certain weapons.
The stealth sniper
What kind of build is this? The stealth sniper build comes from Fextralife and delivers exactly what it promises: silent, undetected action and combat with sniper rifles. The goal is to be as stealthy as possible and, ideally, to eliminate opponents with just a single shot.
Who is the build for? The build is aimed at players who like to take out their opponents stealthily and/or from a distance. He is the perfect combination of both playing styles. If you prefer to throw yourself into hordes of enemies with loud shouts and shotgun blasts, then this build is probably less interesting for you.
Skills with an asterisk
are not necessary for the basic build and stealth sniper playstyle. However, since you may have skill points left over, these are useful skills that positively influence the gaming experience and/or synergize with stealth. What else there is to consider:
In Starfield, your weapons and equipment can have different perks. Some of them are a noticeable improvement for the stealth sniper build, improving your damage while aiming or against people, for example.
Certain weapon mods such as a sight, a long barrel or a silencer should also be equipped, although you will have to research some modifications first. This is where the research skills (research methods, weapons technology) that you have learned come into play.
The most important perk for your helmet and spacesuit is called “Chameleon” and allows you to merge with your surroundings. You can find a legendary spacesuit with this ability during the “Mantis” side quest, where you also get a very good ship.
The Craftsman What kind of build is this?
The craftsman allows you to improve your weapons and equipment yourself. This requires a lot of resources and credits, which is why building an outpost makes sense.
So that you have enough credits for your projects, part of the build consists of raking in as much money as possible. This is where skills like trading, looting, thief and security prove to be useful. Who is the build for?
Skills with an asterisk
marked are not necessary for the basic craftsman build and playstyle. However, since you may have skill points left over, these are useful skills that allow you to make even better use of your outpost to gain resources and sell remaining materials. The jetpack fighter
What kind of build is this?
The jetpack fighter is almost the exact opposite of the stealth sniper. Instead of stealth and at a distance, with this build you go into close combat. You jump towards the enemies with a battle roar and let them feel the charges from your shotgun at close range. There are also skills that improve your abilities in combat, skills that prepare your physical condition for such a fight, and skills that help you create mods for your weapons and suits so that you can deal even more damage.
Research Research methods, weapons technology, suit design
What else needs to be taken into account:
The jetpack fighter also benefits from various weapon and suit modifications. For example, use the weapon workbench and the research stations and adapt your weapons to your individual needs.
If you are still looking for good weapons:Starfield features 2 weapons that should be bad, but they are some of the best in the game