With the new patch, Riot Games has made changes to League Points (LP) in League of Legends, but only for players below the Emerald rank. A developer commented on this.
What has been changed? League of Legends’ latest patch 14.4 brings a significant change: a reduction in the League Points you gain or lose when losing and winning ranked matches. But only for all players below the Emerald rank.
League points (LP) are crucial for your rank. If you win you will gain LP and if you lose you will have LP deducted. This reduction in LP gained and lost is intended to improve the gaming experience.
Before the update, players below Emerald Rank received an average of +28 HP for a win and -28 HP for a loss. With the new patch, this average is now 25 LP. Here we are talking about the average value, which can vary depending on your MMR.
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What is it supposed to do? This is intended to help lower-tier players have a fairer experience, particularly in terms of their progression and rank changes. It should make it easier to get down from tiers. According to Matt Leun-Harrison, the change should also mean that players can advance consistently.
You can see the X post here:
Why was the change made? The decision to reduce LP gains was made by Riot Games (according to lead gameplay designer Matt Leung-Harrison) to address certain issues that have arisen with the ranked system.
He explains this:
At the start of the season, we wanted to increase HP gain below Emerald so that players could level up faster if they were doing well. This was great for the vast majority of players, but for a small percentage it would lead to negative LP gain.
Matt Leung-Harrison via X
According to Matt Leun-Harrison, the occurrence of negative HP gain is due to various factors, including the demotion protection or screwing up the Elo reset – for which he apologized.
Protection from relegation is valued as it gives players a second chance to prove they really belong in the rank. But it also leads to a discrepancy between the rank and the actual ability.
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