With the airplane and the tourism industry, it is now very easy to travel the world in search of discoveries. But be careful, some countries are really not safe for travelers…

With the airplane and the tourism industry it is now

With the airplane and the tourism industry, it is now very easy to travel the world in search of discoveries. But be careful, some countries are really not safe for travelers…

Traveling is about adventure, discovering new horizons and immersing yourself in different cultures. But not all destinations are equal when it comes to safety. For those who like to plan their holidays with peace of mind, it is essential to know which countries are the riskiest and which offer optimal safety. In 2024, some countries stand out for their danger, while others ensure almost absolute tranquility.

Europe, often seen as a haven of peace, hides great disparities in terms of security. France, for example, is not among the safest destinations on the continent. In fact, it is the fourth least secure European country for travelers this year according to a ranking carried out by HelloSafe, a company specializing in travel insurance. Its survey highlights major concerns related to the terrorist threat, which is still present in France. This factor, coupled with levels of crime and social instability, even places France 80th in the world in terms of security for tourists.

In Europe, Russia wins the dubious title of the most dangerous destination. Ongoing armed conflicts and growing political instability are the main reasons for this. Close behind, Ukraine, which is in the throes of a devastating war, comes in second place. Next come Greece and Italy, countries where violence and political instability are also problems.

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But what about the rest of the world? In fact, according to HelloSafe’s ranking, the Philippines is the most dangerous country on the planet for travelers. Colombia and Mexico in Latin America are not far behind, with extremely high levels of violence and crime. India and Indonesia round out the bleak picture, with increased risks of natural disasters and political instability.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom in the world of travel. There are destinations that offer almost unmatched safety. At the top of this global ranking, Iceland stands out as the safest country. Its low crime rate, solid infrastructure and political stability make it an ideal haven for tourists seeking peace of mind. Denmark, Austria and Switzerland follow closely behind, guaranteeing worry-free stays. Singapore, often praised for its rigor and efficiency, is also one of the safest countries in the world.

For those who dream of discovering Asia safely, destinations like Bhutan, Mongolia and South Korea are highly recommended. In Latin America, Paraguay and Uruguay offer safe alternatives for adventurers.

Safety is a crucial aspect to consider when planning your travels. Whatever destination you are considering, it is wise to do your research well in advance of your departure, in particular by consulting the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which keeps up to date an official database on the risks associated with each country in its Travel Advice section.
