With new features, the shortcomings for Threads are being closed, albeit slowly

X (Twitter) rival of Instagram, whose number of users has really bottomed out threads New features on the way exists.

threads Many new features are being developed for the application, the application is not left to its fate immediately. For example, the soon-to-be-centered chronological order “Following” in the part “Reshared” content will also appear. “YShared again” Content will also be placed on personal profiles. The service, which almost crashed after the first explosion due to its very basic deficiencies, again Zuckerberg made by to explain nearby search feature and “web” version will be available. He did not give a clear date on this matter and only “in the next few weekswho said Zuckerberg, With the search feature, it will also allow searching different topics, posts and locations on the platform besides the user. The web version, on the other hand, will pave the way for access to the service via standard internet browsers.


Now here via the official page threads cannot be used, the service must be visited in mobile applications. Another statement made last week. ZuckerbergMeta’s new Instagram-centric app Threads 1 billion He stated that he thought it could be the next social network with users. CNN’s Sensor ToweAccording to the current data from r, Threads currently has only daily active users. 8 million level is located. At the maximum of the platform 44 million of them As we have said before, the current situation does not look very encouraging for the future.
