With Matthias Arégui, painting is funny

With Matthias Aregui painting is funny

“The Necromanchian” by Matthias Arégui tells us about the horrors of artistic creation with humor and breathtaking graphic eclecticism.

It’s an album that makes you see all the colors. It must be said that it is the story of two painters. One, Hans Dubonheur, flaunts his success and is extremely arrogant. The other, John Morose, is a failed artist, almost finished before he’s even really started. They are neighbors and attended the same art school. The second has allowed himself to be completely dominated by the first who never ceases to devalue him. “ What you need, John, is not a paintbrush, but a miracle » mocks the successful painter.

One day the miracle happens. The miracle is a little dog, a Bernese mountain dog who looks at us kindly on the cover of this album.

Reporting : Etienne Bouche visited the Museum of Modern Art in Paris for an exhibition dedicated to Nicolas de Staël, a key figure in the post-war French art scene.
