With its strikes abroad, Iran wants to show its muscles at the risk of setting the region ablaze

With its strikes abroad Iran wants to show its muscles

In recent days, Iran has carried out missile and drone strikes on the territory of two neighboring countries: Iraq and Pakistan. On the Pakistani side, Tehran claims to have targeted an anti-Iranian jihadist organization, while on the Iraqi side, the Islamic Republic says it has struck targets linked to Israel. The Islamic Republic justified its military actions on Wednesday.

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It was at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that the head of Iranian diplomacy justified his country’s strikes. “ We respect the sovereignty of Pakistan as well as that of Iraq », assured Hossein Amir Abdollahianbut it is the “ national security of Iran » which is at stake, according to the minister. “ No civilian from the friendly and brotherly country of Pakistan has been targeted by missiles and Iranian drones. The so-called Jaish al-Adl group (Army of Justice in Arabic, Editor’s note)which is an Iranian terrorist group, was targeted “, insisted the Iranian minister. “ This group found refuge in certain places in the province of Balochistan “, in western Pakistan, bordering Iran, he added. On Tuesday, Iran described the targets in Syria and autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan as “headquarters.” spies ” and of “ terrorists “.

Deterrent »

The fact remains that these Iranian missile and drone attacks occur at a particular time. Several organizations close to Tehran claim armed actions in the name of their support for the Palestinians and the conflict is internationalizing, notably with American strikes in recent days on the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Iran is also placing itself here as a deterrent force to show that it too has reaction capabilities, that it can strike at long distances and that it has tools that it can use at will. to demonstrate force », Says Jonathan Piron, Iran specialist at the Belgian Etopia research center.

A demonstration of force with effects calculated by the Islamic Republic, but which can also fuel the risk of a regional conflagration.

Also listenInternational guest – Iranian strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan: “This could be a warning against the United States”
