with its nugget Melchie Dumornay, Haiti remains ambitious

with its nugget Melchie Dumornay Haiti remains ambitious

Haiti, which is playing the first Women’s World Cup in its history, does not intend to make up the numbers even in a complicated Group D with England in particular. The country will count on its striker Melchie Dumornay, freshly transferred to Olympique Lyonnais, to achieve a feat.

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Nearly 50 years after the men, qualified for their first and only World Cup in 1974, Haitian players will also discover the World Cup. Saturday, at 9:30 UT, they will face England, reigning European champion.

A hell of a piece as a starter, but which doesn’t seem to scare Melchie Dumornay and her family, who arrive with the pride of having won an invitation. ” We worked hard for years to achieve this goal, let go of the Haitian striker a few weeks ago during the Unfp Trophies. We are very proud to be able to achieve this. It is not an end in itself. We must continue to move forward and pass this first round, it is our priority, because it is our first World Cup. We will continue to train hard to prepare for this decisive first against a great nation, England. We want to perform well in all three matches. »

Dumornay, star in the making

After England, China and Denmark will rise. The feat is however within reach of crampons for the Haitians who come back from afar, from the dams, to afford the right to be present in Australia and New Zealand. Last February, the players of Nicolas Délépine, the French coach, had to show character to dismiss Senegal (4-0) then Chile (2-1) in the play-offs. Today, the threat is greater in this group D. “ Passing the first round, we know it will not be easy, believes Melchie Dumornay. We have tough opponents, we will continue to work to improve ourselves, because we have a good group. We’ve been playing together for a long time, we know each other very well. We will continue to progress thanks to the contribution of experienced players who push us to the top. »

Even if she does not say so, Melchie Dumornay knows that her selection will rely heavily on the one who was named in the categories of best hope and best player in the First Division at the last UNFP Trophy ceremony. The now ex-player of Reims, who signed in Lyon, a juggernaut in France and Europe, remains the hope of a whole people at 19 years old. The effective midfielder or striker (23 goals in 39 matches with Reims) is announced as one of the future stars of women’s football. She could well start writing her legend this Saturday against the English.

Words by Melchie Dumornay recorded by Sophiane Amazian
