With early diagnosis, disability can be prevented! Watch out for these signs…

With early diagnosis disability can be prevented Watch out for

MS disease, Multiple Sclerosis, is a chronic nervous system disease that affects the central nervous system and manifests itself with attacks. The exact cause of MS has not been determined. It is important to diagnose MS disease, which cannot be definitively diagnosed, by paying attention to the symptoms shown. Neurology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Faik İlik gave information about Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Stating that MS is a chronic nervous system disease that affects the central nervous system and often progresses with attacks, Assoc. Dr. Faik İlik said, “The immune system recognizes its own cells while protecting the body against harmful factors. However, in some patients, when a partial deterioration occurs in this system for unknown reasons, the immune system attacks the cells in the brain and spinal cord that provide nerve transmission. As a result, a conduction disorder is observed in the nerve cells in the brain regions that are retained in the brain.


Emphasizing that MS symptoms may differ from patient to patient in terms of severity and duration, Faik İlik said, “Symptoms occur according to the affected brain region and central system region. These symptoms are; weakness in the arms and legs, numbness, constant fatigue, numbness in the face, blurred vision, imbalance, dizziness, difficulty in fine movements, facial paralysis, severe lightning-like headaches called trigeminal neuralgia, as well as inability to urinate or incontinence, sexual dysfunction There may also be symptoms such as constipation. Symptoms can occur alone or together.



Neurology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Faik İlik stated that MS is known as an incurable disease that causes disability in all patients and said, “The reason for this belief is that previous MS patients could not receive early treatment, and some of them are wheelchair or bed-dependent. Even today, once MS causes disability, it is not possible to cure it. Today, however, MS has become a disease that can be controlled. Early and appropriate treatment is crucial in reducing disability. With appropriate treatments, the attacks of the patients can be controlled. In recent years, there have been significant developments in this regard. Now, with early and most appropriate treatment, most MS patients can continue their lives without significant restrictions. However, it should not be forgotten that MS is a chronic disease and the treatment will be long-term.
