New World has made a change to the Battle Pass with Season 3. There are now three joker stamps that you can use to check off certain fields. However, with a little trick you only need 6 missions to completely fill each stamp card.
How do the stamps work? Each season pass comes with specific season tasks, but also an activity card. There are a variety of tasks on it, such as defeating a named opponent, collecting materials or completing faction missions.
Since the new season, there are three joker stamps that you can use if you don’t like specific missions. You get one stamp per day and they renew as soon as you complete a row (vertical, horizontal or diagonal).
If you behave cleverly, you can check off all 16 fields in just 6 missions and even go to the next map with a full three stamps.
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6 missions for 16 stamps
How does this work? First you have to somehow get three in a row with your self-played missions. In our picture below these are the three red ones. However, this is just an example. You can place the missions however you want. The only important thing is that the three are in a row.
Then you activate the first joker for number 4 (row 1), but it will automatically be raised back to three joker stamps.
In the next round you need two more missions that follow the first ones somewhere. In our example I chose the green and yellow cross. Now you can use a joker to complete the row down (row 2). You get one joker back, so you still have three.
The last mission of my own should follow somewhere, I chose the orange cross at the top in the corner. Then you can fill the row vertically downwards with two jokers (row 3). You get one back, leaving you with two jokers. You now need exactly that many to fill the top row horizontally (row 4). You get a joker back again.
Place this diagonally in the bottom right corner (row 5). You get a joker back for the diagonal. You place this directly above it to fill the row down (row 6). You get a joker back.
You place this on the field with the dark blue cross. The field in turn gives you two jokers, for the horizontal and diagonal (row 7). The last cross is the second field from the bottom left.
Here too you get two jokers back, so you end up with 3 out of 3.
Is it worth it? Yes, because the activity card is the fastest way to level up the season pass. And there are some useful items there, including the Expedition Chests. These contain dense material from which you can craft good 700 gear very quickly.
There are also thalers, the real money currency Lucky Tokens and even artifact boots at level 20 and an earring at level 100 of the pass. So you can’t start leveling this up soon enough.
what else can I do? In addition to the Activity Card, there is the Season Journey, which requires you to complete specific tasks, including completing the main story of the new expansion, reaching level 65, leveling up your mount, or participating in PvP content.
You can find out more about the new expansion here: Everything about the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion – content, release, mounts.