With a single sentence about Lost Ark, Amazon creates a great atmosphere in the community

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

In Lost Ark, a team update got the community talking again. But a single sentence from this blog post triggers an almost euphoric mood in many players. We at MeinMMO summarize.

What was announced in the update? Actually, the mood in the Lost Ark community is rather depressed. The big update announced for mid-June has now been postponed to June 30th after two postponements, which demotivates many players. Although Lost Ark had done a lot against the bots in the game in the past few weeks, players in the endgame were desperately waiting for new content.

Amazon itself says that they are blocked and therefore cannot roll out the new update yet, which again caused bad mood among the fans. But a single sentence in the current blog post seems to change that completely.

It revolves around the mechanics of Yoz’s mug. This should have brought new skins into play that give you better values. With a full legendary skin set, you could have done about 2% more damage. With average luck, you would have had to pay 530 € for that. A system that many did not like.

After reviewing the design of this system and listening to player feedback, we decided to remove Yoz’s pitcher.


Why is the system being removed? Amazon also writes a few words about this in the article. Roughly speaking, it revolves around the Pay2Win aspect of the system. One possibility would be to align legendary skins with the stats of epic costumes. But in the short term, the system will simply be removed completely, or not even made it into our version.

Amazon does not rule out that Yoz’s mug will appear with us at some point and then come along in an adapted version, but for now players can breathe a sigh of relief.

By the way, this weekend Lost Ark showed its newest class in Korea, the Aeromancer:

Lost Ark Aeromancer Gameplay

“I’m really looking forward to the future now”

The community celebrates the update: The reactions to the blog post are incredibly good. On reddit and in the forum you will find several threads that would like to thank Amazon for the adjustments in the west.

Alongside the removal of Yoz’s mug, another mechanic making its way into the game that fans are really loving is the Tier 3 honing buff. This increases your chances of getting stronger gear if you already have a character with a higher Gearscore . This system is already in play for lower tiers, but is now expanding.

The vibe is all positive, and for the first time in a while, there’s a real sense of good cheer in the Lost Ark channels. A few players are complaining about not getting new skins after all, but that’s really a small number of voices.

What are the fans saying? We would like to share some of the comments with you here:

  • PurpleWedgeMan says (via reddit): “Two week delay for the honey buff, fair skins and a ton full of banned bots? The wait was worth every minute.”
  • Laxxz writes (via reddit): “This is really a defining moment, because here not only something new was introduced into the game. This situation must have sparked a huge dispute between Amazon and Smilegate. Recall that this is the first time a Lost Ark publisher has stood up against Smilegate over Yoz’s mug. Every other publisher just added it. […] Amazon is far from perfect and some communication difficulties are bad mistakes, but they deserve our respect for this and we have to give it to them!”
  • AwakenMaster writes (via reddit): “Ha, that’s great. I’m curious to see what Korea is doing now. Even the players there don’t like Yoz’s pitcher.”
  • Medusius writes (via reddit): “That’s damn great. I can’t express how much I love this decision. Postponing the update is so much better thanks to this information. Thank you Amazon I doubted you for a long time, but you are really improving!”
  • What do you think of the upcoming update? Were you looking forward to Yoz’s mug, or are you also happy that Amazon removed the controversial system? Feel free to write it to us in the comments here on MeinMMO, we look forward to your answers.
