After two storms, new disturbances bring rain and wind. Beware of the risk of flooding.
This end of January is marked by the passage of storms in Europe. This Wind continues to blow under the influence of the Herminia storm on Monday on Monday with gusts up to 110 km/h. According to The weather channelthe “parade of disturbances” extends until Wednesday with wind and rain, especially in the west and north. If Tuesday, temperatures will gradually start to lower, Wednesday, a new depression should, in fact, touch Brittany with rains that will spread over the entire western facade of the country. Thursday, the air will be colder and the weather unstable with risks of giboulées. The snow should also make its return from 800 meters.
We will have to wait until the weekend and therefore the beginning of February to see the time calm down. Beautiful clearings are planned for a good part of France for the weekend. “Time should remain overall dry on the country, with rather cool temperatures in the morning and soft during the day,” says Météo-France for next week.

The current Herminia storm succeeds that called Eowyn. They both arrived in France and caused strong winds and rain. That said, it’s not so surprising for the season, as Yann Amice, founder of Weather & Co said In 2024, 23 storms were counted against 26 the previous year.
If the sequence of such weather events remains quite classic at the start of the year, it is rather their intensity which is more to notice, according to Yann Amice. “Because of global warming, the level of the oceans rises each passing year, we do not escape it in France. And the storms benefit from a more substantial level of water,” explains the expert. The next storms could therefore be more violent.
“The frequency and amplitude of strong winds and storms (excluding tropics) should slightly increase in the north, west and center of Europe by the end of the century, as well as in broad of the European coasts due to the increase in the intensity of extra tropical storms according to a global warming of 2 ° C or more in these regions “, has, for its part, advanced Météo-France concerning the evolution of storms in the coming years.