The release date of Witcher 4 is not expected before 2027. CD Project made a clear statement about the use of GENAI in the game.
CD Project, Witcher 4 He shared many important details about him. According to the company’s recent earnings meeting, Witcher 4’s release date will not be before 2027. It was also confirmed that GENAI, an artificial intelligence technology, will not be used in the development of the game. The company announced that the game will be the beginning of a new trilogy and that the series is aimed to be completed within six years.
Witcher 4 Release Date and Development Process
Michal Nowakowski, CEO of CD Project, said Witcher 4 will be the earliest in 2027. The new Witcher games will be developed with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine technology. The company thinks that using this technology is more advantageous than using its own engines in the past.
Nowakowski said it is possible to complete the trilogy within six years. However, this ambitious goal has already led to controversy in the game world. In particular, considering that the Witcher 5 and Witcher 6 should be developed in three years, it is a matter of curiosity how realistic this time is.
At the meeting, it was emphasized that GENAI technology will not be used in the Witcher 4 development process. Nowakowski said that GENAI is a risky technology due to intellectual property rights and legal problems. Instead, it was stated that the company is investigating to develop its customized artificial intelligence models.
In 2024, CD Project started to conduct research on artificial intelligence integration by establishing an internal team. However, the results of these research are not expected to be included in near future projects. The company acknowledges that general artificial intelligence has been used for a long time in game development, but new technologies such as GENAI are more complex and controversial.
Considering the release date of Witcher 4, the game is on the agenda whether the game will be included in the new generation PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Although there is no definite information about this, the technological infrastructure and release date of the game show that it can be designed in accordance with the new consoles.