Wish Tree Raises Over $ 158k for Chatham-Kent Health Alliance

After a successful Holiday Season, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance Foundation’s 35th Christmas Wish Tree Campaign has raised $ 158.540.


Presented by Wfcu Credit Union, the Campaign invited Community Members to Donate in Memory of Loved Ones, With Contributions Supporting The Hospital’s Most Pressing Needs.

“The Generosity Shown by Our Community During this Year’s Christmas Wish Tree Campaign, and Really throughout All of 2024, is Truly Heartwarming,” Foundation President and Chief Executive Christine Mitchell Said in a release.

“These donations not only honour the memory of people who have meant so much to us, but their also play a crucial role in enhancing health-care services across chatham-kent.”

December Tree-Lighting Ceremonies Were Held at Ckha’s Wallaceburg and Chatham Sites, Giving the Community and Ckha Staff as Chance to Com Together, Celebrate the Season, and Honour the Memories of More than 330 Individuals.


The Success Came During Unique Circumstances, Particularly the Postal Strike, The Foundation Said.

“We are so grateful to everyone who helped us overcome some unique challenges this year,” Mitchell Said.

Proceeds will go to essential Equipment Purchases, Program Innovation and Facility Upgrades at Both Sites.

In the Current Fiscal Year, The Foundation has Committed Nearly $ 1.4 million to Crucial Programms and Purchases Equipment, Including A New Fluoroscopy Machine, Two Electrocardiogram (ECG) Stress Testing Case Systems, A New Automated Stroke Imaging System and A Bladder Scanner.

“Now More Than Ever, the support of our community is Having such a positive impact in our hospital, not just through their generosity over the Holiday Season, but all year long,” Foundation Board Chair Bob Hockney Said.

“CKHA’s Needs Continue to Grow As We Work Together to Continue to Provide World-Class Care to Patients. We are always amazed at the way our community steps up, time and time again, and enables our foundation to provide the support neded to fund these crucial pieces of Equipment and enhance the care available right here at home.

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