Wise Equity sells Italian Innovery to French Neverhack (Carlyle)

Mundys increases its revolving line to 2 billion euros

(Finance) – Wise Equitymanagement company of the Wisequity IV fund, has announced the sale of Innovationa service company specializing in innovative cybersecurity solutions and information and communication technologies (ICT), a Neverhacka leading French cybersecurity group owned by Carlyle through its Carlyle Europe Technology Partners (CETP) platform.

Founded in Italy in 2001Innovery is a global cybersecurity services company with offices in Italy, Spain, Mexico and the United States,

In 2019, Wise Equity’s acquisition of a majority stake in Innovery, through the Wisequity IV fund, allowed the company to strengthen its presence globally, driving organic growth and implementing aimportant M&A strategy aimed at developing products, services and markets internationally. With the support of Wise Equity, the company secured the acquisitions of Proxy in 2019, Obiectivo in 2020, NB Service & Security in 2021 and Open3S in 2022.
