Wisdom teeth surgery: how to know if they should be removed?

Wisdom teeth surgery how to know if they should be

Wisdom teeth usually come out in adolescence. Their extraction is the most frequent operation in oral surgery. How is the operation going? Is it painful? How to deflate afterwards?

Wisdom teeth usually erupt in the mouth in late adolescence, root formation ending in twenties. They appear in the age interval of 16 and 25 years, most often around 18 years. “Before their eruption wisdom teeth are said to be impacted“says Dr. Flavie Kleinpoort dental surgeon specializing in oral surgery. An examination by a professional and radiology will confirm indication for removal of wisdom teeth. The consequences of the operation can be pain and swelling may appear locally. At the level of foodsome precautions are in order during the first days. It’s what wisdom teeth surgery?

Definition: what is wisdom teeth surgery?

The third molars, also called “wisdom teeth” appear from adolescence. They are located behind the second molars. “As they have less space in the dental arch than other teeth, they are more at risk of complications. From the age of 16 on average, they begin their push and can sometimes push askew, get in the way, or be painful. We generally have four wisdom teeth, but it can vary from person to person, some have more and some have less, or none at all.” explains Dr. Flavie Kleinpoort. The extraction of wisdom teeth is a common surgical procedure from 16 years old. The procedure may cause moderate pain, swellingwhich are part of the normal postoperative course.

x-ray of wisdom teeth © 123RF-radub85

“To know if you should extract your wisdom teeth, a clinical and radiological examination (panoramic X-ray and/or scanner if necessary) is performed by your dental surgeon” explains Dr. Kleinpoort. Their extraction is necessary in different situations: “When they don’t have no space to go out normally or are in bad position, we then speak of impacted teeth. In this case, they can cause pain or cavities on neighboring teeth. The growth of these misplaced wisdom teeth can also lead to misalignment of the teeth due to lack of space.”, answers the specialist. You can also extract a wisdom tooth in case of pericoronitis (inflammation and infection of the gums around the partially erupted tooth).

The extraction of one or two wisdom teeth is practiced under local surgery in a dental office (by appointment). The total extraction of the wisdom teeth, that is to say of the four teeth, requires, surgery under general anesthesia. Hospitalization, usually on an outpatient basis, is sufficient. The procedure begins with local anesthesia, continues with the incision of the gum, then a milling of the bone surrounding the tooth to extract it. Depending on the case, it will be necessary to separate the different roots of the tooth. Closing is done using absorbable sutures which disappear spontaneously in 2 to 4 weeks or will be removed in consultation if they are non-absorbable threads.

How long does the operation to remove wisdom teeth take?

“The duration of the intervention varies according to the difficulty and the patients but generally, it does not not exceed 45 minutes”, reassures the dental surgeon.

The procedure is not painful, in the vast majority of cases. Pain, of varying intensity, is a common symptom after wisdom tooth extraction, along with swelling and bleeding. The pain is localized in the operated areas, knowing that she is often more important for the lower teeth than for the upper teeth. If one or more teeth are impacted by the bone, it is necessary to incise the gum and then ream the bone. This gesture can increase the pain felt after the operation.Pain is treated by applying ice (e.g. ice pack) on the cheeks, which also reduces edema and by more or less powerful analgesics”, says the specialist.

Cheek swelling (oedema) is frequent and sometimes important, as well as small bleeding (for a few hours to one night following the operation) and pain in the operated areas.

The opinion of the dental surgeon is essential in the event of infection and/or fever.

“The ice pack app for at least 48 hours significantly reduces this swelling. Finally, a limitation of the mouth opening can also occur”, comments Dr. Kleinpoort. The opinion of his dental surgeon is essential when an infection and/or fever appear. Excellent oral hygiene is essential. This is why mouthwashes are prescribed. THE teeth and gums should be cleaned after each meal with an ultra-soft brush. There healing takes 10 to 15 days

What to eat after wisdom tooth surgery?

“It is recommended to use a mixed / liquid and cold food for a few days” advocates Dr. Kleinpoort.

What are the risks of wisdom tooth surgery?

Any medical act, even well conducted, has a risk of more or less serious complications. They can range from dry socket (inflammation of the dental socket) at a infection. In very rare cases we observe temporary or permanent loss of feeling in the lower lip or tongue. There is indeed in the lower jaw, a sensory nerve (inferior alveolar nerve) which travels near the tooth to be extracted. There is also, exceptionally, a risk of fracture of the mandible. “The ideal is toextract wisdom teeth at a young age, between 16 and 18 years, because the formation of the tooth root is not complete, which decreases the risk of complications postoperative”, advises the dental surgeon.

Thanks to Dr Flavie Kleinpoort dental surgeon specialist in oral surgery.
