Winter: offer room and board to the gardener’s auxiliaries

Winter offer room and board to the gardeners auxiliaries

Before the cold, frost and frost invade the garden, plan shelters so that the small auxiliaries, allies of the gardener, find the necessary food and lodgings to pass the winter without incident. Birdhouses, feeders, dead leaves, branches will be useful to accommodate birds, hedgehogs, ladybugs and many others.

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How to welcome hedgehogs, squirrels, birds and other ladybugs or insects pollinators in his garden so that they are sheltered allwinter ? Here are some great tips to follow.

The birds

When the cold sets in, the food is rare outdoors for birds. Not all are migratory, offer food and shelter to the birds that will inhabit your garden all winter. Here are three great tips:

  • Install nesting boxes adapted to each size of birds, in places protected from cats and squirrels which could quickly dislodge the birds.
  • Once the nest is established, think of feeders to provide them with food. They enjoy fruits like apples and pears, mixtures of seeds, balls of fat to feed the blackbirds, titsrobins, sparrows, finches and many others ;
  • Do not forget to offer them a sheltered water point to avoid the gel to keep them hydrated, even in winter.


Once winter arrives, the hedgehogs will go back to hibernation, so provide them with a sheltered corner where they will not be disturbed. Do not try to feed them but rather offer them a place to hibernate quietly. A crate turned upside down at the bottom of the garden, covered with a thick bed of leaves or else a pile of drink will do.

Ladybugs and lacewings

Keep a few perennials all winter because their stems, leaves and dried flowers will shelter the little ones. ladybugs and lacewings. A dry stone wall, a holetree, a bark or a crack can also be used as winter shelter. You can also buy a special ladybug shelter that you will place away from the cold, hung high and on a sunny location.


Pamper the adorable squirrels so that they remain all winter in your garden or on your terrace. Set up a feeder and fill it with nuts, chestnuts, acorns, pine cones, Hazelnut and chestnuts. Offer them an open-air pantry! They will help themselves and build up reserves by hiding food in tree trunks or underground. Behind the window or the bay window, you will enjoy the passages of these little ones rodents to come and feed.

Polinizing insects

Set up an insect hotel to accommodate bees and others bumblebees. They will find refuge in the holes and cavities adapted to their morphology and thus, to settle for the winter, against the bad weather and the cold.

Help the auxiliaries through the winter in your garden and they will help you drive out pests and pests the rest of the year. Having auxiliaries allows you to cultivate a natural garden.

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