Wins the final in Torpet – he clinches last place at Farmen

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The participants who were allowed to return to the Farm after the disputes and struggles the last time they were in the ting have no idea that Artin Ghookassi, Christoffer Hammarlöf and Viktor Bergström are fighting for one last place in the Farm on Torpet. The three guys weren’t very close to each other in the Farm, but pretty quickly when they arrive at Torpet, the atmosphere between them changes. They see each other with new eyes, and have fun together and start to really like each other. The shock when he wins the final in Torpet Men, it is only one of them who can make it back to the Farm. And the road there will be incredibly smooth, right to the end. In the end, it’s Viktor and Christoffer who make up for it, and by just a few centimetres, it’s Viktor who manages to snag a place in the Farm. – Are you kidding?! says a shocked Viktor. – When Anna tells me that I’ve won, I can’t believe it at first. In the player above you see when Viktor becomes the winner of the final in Torpet.
