Winners of Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Program Announced

Winners of Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Program Announced

Samsung‘Fame Habitat Association carried out in cooperation with Solve for Tomorrow The winning projects in the competition have been announced. In the competition where 263 project applications were received from many regions of Turkey, the PlazmiGenomix team won first place with their project “Plasmid Production with Domestic Materials”, while the Akana team came in second and the NeuroAid Innovators team came in third.

In the final part of the competition, 10 projects and teams that proposed different scientific methods and technological tools and sought solutions to problems in the fields of public health, environment and waste management, disaster management and climate action competed fiercely. The winning team of this year’s competition was the PlazmiGenomix Team with their Plasmid Production with Local Materials project, which focused on local vaccine production and disease prevention. The second-placed Akana Team won the award with their innovative bioplastic “Küstik” project, which aims to reduce plastic pollution and promote agricultural sustainability. The NeuroAid_Innovators team won third place with their joystick and gyroscope-supported device project that helps neck muscles move. At the ceremony, the winning teams were presented with gift vouchers that they can use at the Samsung online store as prizes.

The ”Solve for Tomorrow” program consists of three stages: first round, semi-final and final. As part of the “Design Thinking Workshop”, students and volunteer trainers participating in the program are provided training. While 5,454 students have received Design Thinking Training within the scope of the program to date, it was stated that physical training will continue in 10 different cities by the end of this year. The online trainings that Samsung and Habitat Association periodically provide within the same scope will continue throughout the year.


Samsung Turkey made a statement on the subject

Samsung Electronics Turkey CEO Jeff Jo, who presented the awards to the young teams and gave a speech at the Solve for Tomorrow Award Ceremony event, said: “As Samsung Electronics, we have developed our Solve for Tomorrow Program over time and made it one of the world’s leading global citizenship programs by implementing it in 66 countries. While supporting innovative ideas all over the world, we are also aware of the potential of Turkish youth in the field of innovation. We are determined to ensure that the next generation is ready to develop in a future focused on technology, especially Artificial Intelligence technologies. With the valuable contribution of Habitat Association, we continue to support young people from many regions of Turkey with education so that they can build a better planet for everyone with technological innovations.”
