He stands as the winner of Farmen 2023. It must be celebrated. But first a call home. – Something happened, says Nebil Davidsson when he reaches his wife – a saying that turns out to have a special meaning. Life as a farmer in the 19th century is over. After ten weeks on the farm, it is now clear who won the Farm 2023 – and half a million kroner. In an incredibly even final, it is ultimately Nebil Davidsson who takes the title of farmer of the year. – Now in retrospect, it’s very nice, then and there it was very difficult to answer. But of course it is extremely fun to win Farmen, during my entire journey from being accepted, my goal was not to play to win, says Nebil now to TV4. But it was a win. – I showed that even old dogs can learn, so to speak. The wife breaks down on the other side of the line Before the win is to be celebrated with the other participants, the viewers can see when Nebil calls his wife home to tell her that he won the whole rub. When he reaches her, he finds it difficult to get the words out between both laughter and tears. – Hello hi. A thing happened. He doesn’t have to say more before his wife breaks down on the other end of the line. – You’re the damn best, she says. If Nebil himself had the choice, he would have kept his win a secret from his family until it was shown on the television screen. He asked to skip the call home, but it was not to be. – My children stood in the living room and filmed my wife. When she started jumping and crying, then I think they understood that I won the Farm. There is more behind the saying “something happened” Calling your wife and saying “something happened” when you have won The Farm may be good TV, but the fact is that there is more behind the saying. He, together with the group of friends at home, uses the expression when you hear about something big. – So she understood immediately, says Nebil. And not only that. Today, he and his friends tattooed the quote, and as if by chance, in his Farmen pack was a t-shirt with the quote on it. – I had actually printed a t-shirt with that expression already before, which I am wearing at the final celebration, he says. Tora becomes second in Farmen 2023 Tora Brandström will be the one to land second place, after the loss to Nebil in the final. Snope to stumble on the finish line, but she doesn’t leave there unsatisfied. In the player above, you can hear Nebil’s entire conversation with his wife right after the win.
Winner Farmen 2023 – hear his first words to the family