Pixar offers its fans a new original series around a band of college students who are ill -to their skin, on Disney+. Info on the program.
Pixar in a long version. The studios to whom we owe Toy Story, Monsters & Cie or Vice versa will soon deliver to Disney+ the first season in a new series. Won or lost has been available since February 19, 2025 on the platform of streaming.
Eight episodes follow the crossed trajectories of several characters, each understanding differently a future softball encounter. Carried out and written by Carrie Hobson, who worked on Toy Story 4, Elementary And Lucaand Michael Yates, who are also delegated producers, the series is also produced by David Lally.
In this animated series, Pixar chose to call on Will Forte to make the voice of the coach of the middle school students, an American actor seen in the series he had himself created, The Last Man On Earth. He also made Sammy’s voice in Scooby! (2020).
What is the intrigue of the series Won or lost ?
The pickles form a mixed softball team in college. They will soon play a championship match. Each of the eight episodes is an opportunity to highlight the point of view of a different character on the eve of this meeting, whether a parent player or referee.
What actors lend their voice to the series Won or lost ?
- Will Strong: Coach Dan
- Kyliegh Curran: Taylor
- Izaac Wang: Yuwen
- Josh Thomson: Frank
- Jo Firestone: Sweaty
- Milan Ray: Rochelle
- Josh Thomson: Frank
- Erin Keif: Lena
- Rosie Foss
- Rosa Salazar: Vanessa
Where to see the series Won or lost Streaming?
The first season of the series Won or lost is disseminated exclusively on Disney ++. In order to take advantage of the episodes, it is necessary to pay a subscription to the streaming platform. Three different offers exist: the offer with advertisements for 5.99 euros per month, the premium offer at 13.99 euros per month (139.90 euros per year) which offers 4 simultaneous screens or the standard offer at 9.99 euros per month (99.90 euros per year) which allows the platform to be used on two screens maximum.