Windows 11 surpasses Windows 10 on Steam for the first time

Windows 11 surpasses Windows 10 on Steam for the first

Windows 11 operating system was losing blood among Steam users. In July data, Windows 10 rose, while Windows 11 fell had been seen.

Last month, things changed. The Windows 11 operating system, released in 2021, became the most popular operating system among Steam users for the first time. W11’s leadership 49.17 percentIt has been obtained with a rate of . In second place is 47.09 percent with Windows 10 operating system. Steam was last on the agenda with an update regarding game demos The official statement made by Steam within the scope of the steps taken is as follows: had happened: With thousands of playable demos coming out on Steam every year, usually as part of Steam Next Fest, and millions of players trying them out, we’ve noticed some trends in the feedback we’re getting from both developers and players around the process and functionality. We’ve created an update based on that feedback. We’ve made a few updates to how demos look and behave in the Steam library.


You will now be able to add demos to your library without having to install them right away. If you’re not ready to install it yet (for example, when using the mobile app), simply click the new “Add to library” button next to the demo. You will be able to install demos even if you have the full version of the game. This change will primarily make it easier for developers to test demos, while also making it easier for players to install/uninstall demos. Demos can be completely deleted from an account by right-clicking on them and selecting “Manage -> Remove from account.” When a demo is uninstalled, it will automatically be removed from your library.
