Windows 11 Finally Brings 3D Emoji Support!

Windows 11 Finally Brings 3D Emoji Support

Microsoftbrought new emojis with Windows 11 last year, but as the company first mentioned, the emojis are actually Quite controversial because it’s not 3D they caused An explanation was never given for this change in design; but now we can say that the originally promised 3D emoji is coming.

Microsoft recently on its official page 3D emoji about; While he didn’t say anything, one of his employees revealed information about it. Visual artist and design leader for Microsoft Design Nando Costa; 3D emoji In response to a tweet from a Windows 11 user complaining about the lack of it, he said: “We’re working on it.”

Either way, this is the first time a Microsoft employee has spoken on the subject in a long time. Another Microsoft employee; Brandon LeBlanc, product manager at the Windows Insider Program by commenting on this issue; pointed to the Microsoft Design Blog for more details.

Meanwhile, Costa says emoji is more personal and familiar. In addition, in the design process of Microsoft Adobe Illustrator and Font Lab He also revealed that he used tools such as
