Windows 10 security updates will become paid in 2025

Windows 10 security updates will become paid in 2025

After Windows 10 ends support in 2025, the operating system will no longer receive any new functions. But it will be possible to receive security updates, subject to subscribing to a paid subscription.

Two years after its release, Windows 11 is still struggling to convince both the general public and businesses, and its predecessor Windows 10 remains by far the most used operating system in the world on personal computers. Despite this ubiquity, Windows 10 is scheduled to end maintenance on October 14, 2025, and the system will no longer receive any new features or improvements after this date. There are therefore two years left for individuals and businesses to migrate to Windows 11, the new version of Microsoft’s OS, or even move directly to Windows 12, which is expected to be released in summer 2024.

However, what will become of users who are unwilling or unable to leave Windows 10? For businesses, completely updating an IT system is a cumbersome and extremely expensive operation, and some old business software that is still essential does not have a version for Windows 11. On the individual side, not everyone has a computer compatible with the hardware requirements imposed by Microsoft for the installation of Windows 11, and some do not appreciate the changes introduced by the new operating system.

Windows 10: paid security updates for three years

Fortunately, Windows 10 will remain perfectly functional after the fateful date of October 14, 2025, and if Microsoft’s latest innovations in terms of AI, for example, are of no use to you, there is no need to invest in purchasing a new computer. On the other hand, and this is much more annoying, Windows 10 will no longer receive any security-related updates after the October 2025 deadline, which could expose your computer to various more or less serious threats. And to overcome this problem, the only solution available to you will be to take out a paid subscription from Microsoft to continue to receive the precious patches of security.

As at the end of support for Windows 7, Microsoft will offer a program called “Extended Support Updates” (ESU), which will provide security updates over an extended period of three years, until October 2028. Normally reserved for professional and business customers, this extended maintenance plan will this time be open to individuals who would like to continue using Windows 10 for as long as possible.

Please note, however, that this service will not be free. Microsoft has not yet communicated any prices for its extended update program, and indicates without further details on its website that more information regarding this service will be released soon. If you’re considering checking out for this program, keep in mind that only security updates for Windows 10 will be provided for three years, and the operating system will not benefit from any updates. new function or improvement as part of the paid maintenance plan.
