And now Wim is almost 60, a good age to take on another extreme challenge in his beloved sport. finds himself. Inspired by Maarten van der Weijden who won the Elfstedentocht in 2019 has swum, Wim came up with his plan. And because his parents both died of colon cancer, he chose the Stomach Liver Intestine Foundation as a charity, which conducts research into the disease. “I jump a total of 60 times, one jump for every year of life. And one extra for my colleague Geert who was diagnosed with colon cancer a while ago.” De Gier wants to collect 100,000 euros and has already received half of it. “I am also looking for people who want to jump along for a nice amount.”
Wim (59) jumps 61 times from a flying helicopter as a tribute to his parents: ‘I don’t want to call myself an adrenaline junkie’