Wilmer on the Robinson adventure: “Many who wonder…”

Rickard Länta, Martin Suorra and 2021 winner Dennis Johansson are some of the Sami who have previously been with Robinson.

When this year’s season of the show begins on Monday night, 22-year-old Wilmer Tuoremaa, who lives in Kiruna with relatives from Karesuando, is one of 19 contestants struggling to survive on an island in the Philippines.

– It feels very exciting and I have been looking forward to it starting to be broadcast because they have gone around and kept it a secret so it will be fun to see how it turned out, he says to SVT Sápmi.

That was his strength

On weekdays he works in the mine and in his spare time he skis and plays ice hockey. He is also used to being out in nature, which he sees as one of his main strengths.

– My strength is that I have no problem sleeping on the hill under the open sky, going to the toilet in the forest. It was a very mental strain to be with, not just physically, so then little things like that can make you comfortable.

What was the biggest challenge?

– Being away from family and friends without being able to have contact with them.

That’s why he had a pair of nail clippers

Something that has received some attention is that his personal item is a pair of nail scissors.

– Haha yes, many people wonder how I was able to bring it, but then I usually give the answer that you were not allowed to bring anything that is good, so then I thought that a nail clipper could perhaps be used as a knife to clean fish, says Wilmer Tuoremaa.
