William Poromaa’s brutally honest words after the big hit – reveals dark thoughts: “It’s a disaster”

William Poromaa can look back on his best season in his career.
Now the 22-year-old opens up about the dark thoughts despite the great success.
– That you think such a thing, he admits to ÖP.

Finally, one can say about this ski season William Poromaa. He has long been a great talent and the one who will make Swedish cross-country skiing on the men’s side rise again to the ancient great days.

Poromaa’s success

But during the big highlight of the season with the Skiing WC 2023 in Planica, the 22-year-old had to fight hard and for a long time it looked like there would be no medal at all for either Poromaa or the blue-and-yellow cross-country men.

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230306 William Poromaa during a press conference after his return from the World Ski Championships on March 6, 2023 in Sweden. Photo: Emma Wallskog / BILDBYRÅN / COP 320 / EW0167

So on the last day and the last race in the form of the five-mile, all dreams would come true. William was given a very last chance to take the first championship medal of his career – and he took it.

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Dark thoughts

But 1.5 months after the successful WC bronze, Poromaa now opens up about the dark thoughts the day before the race.
– When I was out walking, I thought “tomorrow… well, it’s the last chance – I’ll give up if I don’t get a medal tomorrow”, haha. It is clear that these are thoughts of disaster, but still that you think such a thing, he admits to the local newspaper ÖP.

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230305 Bronze medalist William Poromaa of Sweden poses for a photo with his bronze medal after the Men’s Cross Country Skiing 50 km Classic Technique during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships on March 5, 2023 in Planica. Photo: Petter Arvidson / BILDBYRÅN / code PA / PA0535

Poromaa managed to keep his nerves under control and sprinted home the WC bronze just seconds ahead of teammate and mentor Calle Halfvarsson. A very nice message for the 22-year-old that he can actually deliver when needed most.
– I feel that the work I put in is going in the right direction. It is important to know that I can deliver at a championship. The feeling of succeeding when it matters most – that feeling is very nice to take with you into the next training season, he says in the interview.

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William Poromaa can now sum up his best season in his career with the impressive WC bronze and three individual podium places at the World Cup. Now he looks with great confidence to the coming seasons in cross-country skiing.
– I know that I have a lot left to do in order for me to take the last step, which is perhaps the toughest. But I feel comfortable with what I do. I trust the people I have around me and I think we are doing a good job. If we continue to work as we are doing, we will get there, he tells the newspaper.

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