William Poromaa comes to the start in pain: “There could be a crack in the ribs”

Poromaa’s fall occurred in the quarter-finals of Gällivare’s Sweden premiere on Friday and after being told that nothing was broken, he stayed to see if it would be possible to continue competing this weekend. It didn’t and he wasn’t allowed to compete in any distance races because, above all, his back was too sore.

– It has gotten better but is not one hundred percent and I still struggle with my back and have sensations. It is getting better and hopefully it will continue to get better and that I will soon be pain-free, says Poromaa.

It’s made it a little harder to train this week and he’s had to hold back so the build-up to Ruka hasn’t been the best.

“Let’s see how big a difference it is to ride with a sore back”

However, Poromaa knows that the form is good and that is something he will take with him.

– Then we’ll see how big a difference it is to ride with a sore back and I’ll have to do what I can, Poromaa ponders, who has weighed back and forth whether he should start at all at the World Cup premiere in Ruka.

Was it at any point appropriate to cancel the sprint and save for the weekend’s distance race?

– Yes, I have thought about it, but still ended up doing the sprint. It’s just pain and the damage won’t get worse. There is an uncertainty as to whether there might be a crack in the lower part of the ribs, says Poromaa and admits that this uncertainty can be an inhibiting factor when it comes to competition.
