William Nylander’s new smash hit tonight – big match hero after delicious dream goal: “Oh my god”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

William Nylander’s success continues in the NHL and the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Yesterday he became a big match hero when he settled the meeting with St. Louis Blues.
And that with a really delicious solo goal.

William Nylander continues to be hot in the NHL, and the short Christmas break does not seem to have affected the Swede. Possibly positive if anything. In tonight’s meeting with St. Louis Blues, the 26-year-old became a big match hero when he decided in overtime for his Toronto Maple Leafs with a real dream goal.

New blockbuster

The teams could not be separated after three periods played, and with the result 4–4, the match thus went to extra time. It looked like going to penalties for a long time, but William Nylander decided that wasn’t going to be the case. The Swede stole the puck Vladimir Tarasenko on own blue line, took off and then tricked the goalkeeper down Jordan Binnington before he blasted the winning puck into the roof of the net.

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The goal was Nylander’s 21st of the season, and with it he extends his lead even further in the internal shooting league. In fact, he didn’t reach that goal ratio until February in the previous season.

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“He is incredible”

Even in the internal points league, he is at the top, where he has good company in the form of Mitchell Marner and Austin Matthews. After Nylander’s new success, he is now being celebrated again.
“It’s Nylander’s year and it just keeps going,” writes one user on Twitter.

“So delicious, my God,” writes another.

“It’s so beautiful, he’s absolutely incredible,” adds a third, and it’s certainly hard to argue with that.

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