Will we still find Doliprane in France after its sale to an American fund? At what price?

Will we still find Doliprane in France after its sale

The Sanofi subsidiary Opella, which produces and markets Doliprane in France, should be sold to an American fund. What consequences could this transfer have on consumers?

The French consume 8,000 tonnes of paracetamol each year and it is the small yellow box that is most often found in their first aid kits. Used for headaches, aches, fever… Doliprane is even covered by Social Security when prescribed by a doctor on a prescription. Despite this success, the board of directors of Sanofi chose on Thursday October 10 to separate from its subsidiary Opella, which produces and markets these drugs in France, for the benefit of the American fund CD&R. This sale will allow Sanofi’s new overseas partner to control 50% of the Opella subsidiary.

This announcement shocked the political class, who quickly assured that this represented a danger for health sovereignty. From France Insoumise to the National Rally, including certain members of the presidential camp, this sale is strongly criticized. On his account For his part, Jordan Bardella (president of the RN and MEP) believes that “the risks to our health sovereignty and employment are considerable: it would be incomprehensible for the State to let this happen”.

What consequences for consumers?

But then, does this sale really endanger France’s health sovereignty? As the world recovers from the trauma linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and sovereignty has become a national priority, the government seems to believe that this sale does not represent a danger. The Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, and the Minister of Industry, Marc Ferracci, believe that it is “a serious investment fund which presents positive prospects for the overall development of Opella as well as only for sites located in France” although “a certain number of economic commitments will be required from Sanofi and the future buyer CD&R”.
It is therefore difficult to know whether this sale will have a real impact on consumers in France, but according to a source close to the American fund who spoke to BFMTV“Opella is a French company which will remain in France and which will continue to develop in France. The production capacities will remain in France”. If this promise is kept, nothing should change for consumers, but without it, it is possible that CD&R decides to relocate the production of Doliprane to a country where the cost of production would be lower, thus exposing France to a risk of shortage. .
