Will Ursula von der Leyen be reappointed as head of the Commission?

Will Ursula von der Leyen be reappointed as head of

In a few hours, Ursula von der Leyen will know whether or not she will keep her job. The outgoing president of the European Commission faces a crucial vote on Thursday, July 18. There is no guarantee that she will have enough votes from MEPs. The day before, the European justice system criticized the German conservative for a lack of transparency in the purchase of Covid vaccines. But her relations with the far right are also criticized. The vote is by secret ballot and the vote is expected to be close.

2 min

With our special correspondent in Strasbourg, Julien Chavanne

Five years ago, Ursula von der Leyen had won by a mere nine votes. Today again, she will not escape a suspenseful vote. On paper, the German has enough votes within her coalition. But there will be defections, among the French Republicans or the Italian socialists. She needs support beyond her camp.

Her big speech this Thursday morning will be closely scrutinized: will she go far enough on the Green Deal to secure votes from the environmentalists? Will she finally be clear about her relations with the far right?

Read alsoEuropean Parliament: a decisive week for Ursula von der Leyen and the sharing of key posts

Ursula von der Leyen has been holding numerous meetings to try to convince as many elected representatives as possible in the European hemicycle, and she has notably received François Kalfon. The socialist MP will vote for her.

She gave assurances that the sanitary cordon would be maintained. “, he explains. But you know, there is no blank check since we will exercise a duty of vigilance throughout the mandate on the elements that she has provided to us and which, of course, must be verified in the way in which the work is carried out. »

Ursula von der Leyen has been criticized for her benevolence towards the elected representatives of the ECR. Giorgia Meloni’s group could swing the vote one way or the other.

Ursula von der Leyen’s entourage dramatized the stakes of the vote: a failure would open a political crisis that would weaken the Union, there is no plan B, her team repeats.

Read alsoEU: European Commission pinned by justice in the Covid vaccine contracts affair
