“Wolf Summer” premiered on TV4 Play Plus during Christmas Day and on January 8, the drama thriller series’ first episode was broadcast linearly on TV4.
In the series, you get to follow Haparanda police officer Hannah Wester. She makes a macabre discovery to say the least when a dead wolf turns out to have human remains in its stomach. The whole thing can be connected to a drug settlement in Finland.
“At the same time, the odd couple Sandra and Kenneth happen to collide with a car that turns out to contain a murdered man and three valuable bags that could mean a chance at a new life. What Hannah and the others don’t know is that professional killer Kat is on her way to Haparanda to find the missing bags.It triggers a brutal spiral of violence in the small town that turns out to have connections to Hannah’s dark painful pasts”, you can read about the series at TV4.
Eva Melander in “Wolf Summer”. Photo: Andrej Vasilenko/TV4
In “Wolf summer” plays Eva Melander, Eliot Sumner and Henrik Dorsin some of the main roles and the series have received good ratings in several quarters.
“Wolf summer” somehow feels very Swedish and very un-Swedish at the same time. A hybrid of criminal and northern western,” wrote, for example Karolina Fjellborg in a review in Aftonbladetwhere she also gave the series four plus.
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Eliot Sumner in “Wolf Summer”. Photo: Andrej Vasilenko/TV4
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When is the last episode of Vargasommar broadcast on TV4?
At MMS, which measures the viewing of programs, clips and advertisements on television and online video, it is clear that “Vargasommar” has hit home with the Swedish people. The series has attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers since its premiere.
In total, “Vargasommar” consists of six episodes and the sixth will be broadcast linearly on TV4 on Wednesday, February 12. For those who have TV4 Play Plus, the last episode will come on Wednesday, January 22.
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Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TTB Will there be a season 2 of Vargasommar on TV4?
As you know, “Wolf Summer” is based on Hans Rosenfeldt hit novel of the same name. This book came out in 2020. A sequel was supposed to come out in 2022, but it hasn’t come out yet.
– I haven’t had time. Another script job has taken over. It was quite hard to write and I didn’t have much fun. It was good, but the process was a bit too difficult. The sequel may come, but right now I don’t feel like it, Rosenfeldt has said Borås Newspaper.
Hans Rosenfeldt. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT
But the author is not actually directly involved in the TV4 series.
– It’s a long story. I don’t want to go into it. It just happened that way. We didn’t really agree on the vision, and C-More finally chose to go with a different vision. It was a bit turbulent there for a while. I am completely disconnected from that project, he has told the newspaper.
It is uncertain whether there will be a season 2 of “Wolf Summer”. Photo: Andrej Vasilenko/TV4
So how about a possible season 2 of “Wolf Summer” really? It is still unclear. When Nyheter24 asks, TV4 answers Ina KokalariPR and Program Communications Manager at the channel, as follows:
“We are proud of the new series ‘Vargasommar’ on TV4 Play and that it will now also be broadcast linearly in January. If there is a follow-up, we will come back to you later.”
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