will there be a link with PUBG? The studio’s response

will there be a link with PUBG The studios response

If The Callisto Protocol already seems to have a certain number of points in common with Dead Space, it should not be forgotten that at the time of its announcement, Glen Schofield’s new survival horror was supposed to be closely linked to PUBG. Indeed, his studio Striking Distance was founded under the aegis of PUBG Corporation, and a priori, one of the clauses of the deal stipulated that The Callisto Protocol was to take place in the universe of the famous battle royale. A point to which its creator returned recently through a tweet.

For your information, The Callisto Protocol has its own history and its own universehe explains. The game no longer takes place in the world of PUBG. If that was the initial idea, in the end, it continues to grow in its own universe. PUBG is an amazing game, and we have a few surprises in store for fans. But again, The Callisto Protocol has its own world, its own story, and its own universe.

We take this opportunity to remind you that our colleagues from Game Informer have had the opportunity to approach the game a little closer. According to the first details that have leaked, The Callisto Protocol will also be released on Xbox One and PS4 – it had only been made official on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PC – the enemies who will stand in the way of Jacob s call the Biophages, it will be possible to move objects remotely like in Dead Space, and the developers are still aiming for a 2022 release.

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol
