“Will the whole of Sweden follow me…”

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Frida Karlsson has nobbed the world cup competitions before Christmas.
But she is not idle about it.
During the past week, she instead appeared in a somewhat unexpected place.

Frida Karlsson has previously announced that she will not compete in any World Cup competitions before Christmas. This is because she instead wants to put her full focus on being in the best possible shape before the Tour de Ski. Instead of competing in the World Cup, she devotes herself to something completely different.

Owns a horse

In 2019, Frida Karlsson entered the sport of trotting together with her boyfriend William Poromaathe Olympic gold medalist Johan Olsson as well as the previous rider Anna Olsson. The quartet share the horse together Grizzly Odin GL which is run by “Team Tjomsland” with the Norwegian Øystein Tjomsland at the head.

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The article continues after the picture.

Frida Karlsson. PHOTO: Bildbyrån

And when there is no World Cup on the ski tracks for Frida Karlsson, she took the opportunity to visit her horse at Wolmsta Gård in Sundsvall.
– It’s been a long time since I saw Odin GL, but the form looks to be very good, says Karlsson in a video published on “Team Tjomsland’s” Facebook page.

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“Afraid to…”

Together with Øystein Tjomsland, Karlsson can be seen discussing everything from training to the horse’s well-being, before she seizes the opportunity and climbs onto the horse’s back.
– I’m afraid of hurting the horse, then I’ll have the whole of Sweden after me, she says.

Frida Karlsson. PHOTO: Screenshot/Facebook

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