will the surprise of the ballot transform the test?

will the surprise of the ballot transform the test

Will Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the PS/Place publique list, manage to prevail over the candidate of the presidential majority in the results of the European elections?

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17:54 – Is Raphaël Glucksmann’s list the same as in 2019?

The founder of Place publique is leading an alliance list with the Socialist Party for the second time in the European elections. But in 2019, the list was also supported by other movements, including Nouvelle Donne. This year, the boss of Nouvelle Donne, Pierre Larrouturou, led a separate list, before providing his support to the environmentalists of Marie Toussaint.

17:36 – Is Raphaël Glucksmann’s list the same as in 2019?

The founder of Place publique is leading an alliance list with the Socialist Party for the second time in the European elections. But in 2019, the list was also supported by other movements, including Nouvelle Donne. This year, the boss of Nouvelle Donne, Pierre Larrouturou, led a separate list, before providing his support to the environmentalists of Marie Toussaint.

17:08 – Raphaël Glucksmann exfiltrated from a May 1 demonstration in Saint Etienne

The episode of May 1 in Saint-Etienne soured relations between the head of the socialist list and the rebel camp. While Raphaël Glucksmann wanted to join the Workers’ Day procession in Saint Etienne, he was attacked by a group of activists who prevented him from participating in the festivities. The MEP finally retreated. He quickly took the floor to denounce the event, claiming to have recognized the flags of La France insoumise. LFI executives immediately denied being involved in the affair. Manon Aubry deplored the episode, while MP Mathilde Panot accused Raphaël Glucksmann of having “lied”. The young communists of the Loire quickly claimed responsibility for the action. Television images clearly show, however, that a former LFI candidate for the legislative elections was present, a party flag in hand.

16:49 – A campaign in tension with La France insoumise

Raphaël Glucksmann has repeatedly accused La France insoumise of waging a virulent campaign against him in these European elections. “Focus a little on the extreme right, let me go,” he got annoyed during one of the debates which pitted him against Manon Aubry, while the LFI candidate criticized him for not defend retirement at 60. Often without naming them, the head of the PS and Place publique list has regularly denounced the “excesses” of LFI and the “brutalization of public debate”. Conversely, he presented himself as a defender of the “debate of ideas” and a “peaceful democracy”.

16:01 – Raphaël Glucksmann’s campaign punctuated by anti-Semitic attacks

The MEP denounced on Wednesday June 5 the anti-Semitic acts of which he was the target in this European campaign: in several cities (“Marseille, Angers, Nantes, Carpentras”), his campaign posters were sprayed with swastikas, a neo-Nazi symbol. He also assured that he had received “hate messages – by the thousands – on social networks”.

15:15 – Raphaël Glucksmann’s popularity on the rise in the campaign

Raphaël Glucksmann has considerably gained notoriety over the course of this electoral campaign: according to the Cluster17 barometer for Le Point, the MEP’s popularity gained four points between April and May 2024, pushing him to 28% opinion. positive. This undoubtedly supports his status as a challenger in the face of the eternal duel between the Macronists and the RN, but also his desire to stand out from La France insoumise in this campaign.

3:11 p.m. – Raphaël Glucksmann voted in Paris this Sunday

The head of the PS-Place publique list voted in a polling station in Paris this Sunday, June 9. Raphaël Glucksmann hopes to lead the PS-Place Publique onto the podium in the European elections. According to the last polls carried out before the electoral truce, he was credited with 13 to 15% of the votes (June 7 IFOP Le Figaro LCI and Sud Radio poll).

Will Raphaël Glucksmann overtake the candidate of the presidential majority in the results of the European elections this Sunday June 9? The head of the list of the alliance formed by Place publique and the Socialist Party established itself as a serious candidate during the campaign. The polls published until Friday, the last day of the campaign before the reserve period, credited the candidate with 14% of voting intentions and placed him above all close to Valérie Hayer, the head of the Macronist list. It remains to be seen whether Raphaël Glucksmann can transform the test into the results of the Europeans.

The socialist left places a lot of hope in the candidacy and the result of Raphaël Glucksmann. The head of the list wanted to distinguish itself from other left-wing forces, in particular France Insoumise, after the ephemeral union of the Nupes while promising to bring a “new political offer”, breaking with certain ideas of the old PS , “which will dominate the European left for decades to come”. And the candidate managed to unite the formerly divided socialist forces after the agreement with Nupes. Can Raphaël Glucksmann’s result in the European elections revive the left? In any case, he made it a possible option and prevented the duel that the presidential majority and the National Rally wanted to establish for the vote.

The head of the PS and Place publique list also had to battle with certain left-wing forces during the European election campaign. Despite its similarities capable of bringing them together, the socialists, the rebels, the ecologists and the communists left in divided order. And criticism, sometimes virulent, was exchanged between Raphaël Glucksmann and the representatives of La France insoumise. An opposition partly due to the desire of both camps to establish themselves as the leading left-wing force.

Raphaël Glucksmann’s result at the Europeans

Raphaël Glucksmann can obtain a better result than that obtained five years ago when he was already head of the list of Place publique and the PS in the European elections. At the time, the candidate was narrowly elected with 6.19% of the vote, barely more than the 5% threshold. But for the 2014 Europeans, he can hope for a better score. The polls published Friday, which was the last day of the campaign, credited Raphaël Glucksmann with 12 to 14% of voting intentions, less than two points behind Valérie Hayer. Will the results of the European elections confirm these estimates?

Who is Raphaël Glucksmann?

Appointed MEP in 2019, Raphaël Glucksmann wishes to keep his place in the European Parliament for five more years. Aged 44, the journalist and essayist has adopted the hat of a politician. He was also an advisor to Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili between 2009 and 2012. At the time, Raphaël Glucksmann shared the life of the Deputy Minister of the Interior of Ukraine, Eka Zgouladze. Today, he is in a relationship with the journalist Léa Salamé with whom he had a boy.

Engaged in the Euromaidan movement in Ukraine, which led in 2014 to the dismissal of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, it is no surprise that Raphaël Glucksmann positioned himself from the start of the conflict against the war in Ukraine in the European Parliament. “It is to prevent the whole of Europe from plunging into war that we must rearm ourselves and arm the Ukrainian resistance, while the prospect of a great American abandonment is becoming clearer. These pseudo-“pacifists” do not work not for peace, but for the defeat of democracies”, said Raphaël Glucksmann on February 20 on X (ex-Twitter). He is also known for his commitment against the persecution of Uyghurs in China.
