Will the Russia-Ukraine war affect the automobile factories in Turkey?

Will the Russia Ukraine war affect the automobile factories in Turkey

We asked important manufacturers producing in Turkey whether the Russia-Ukraine war would cause any disruption in their operations.

While the two-week period in the war between Russia and Ukraine is behind, the problems brought by the crisis continue to make itself felt more and more every day. In today’s dynamics, where the negotiations for a ceasefire between the two countries have not yet come to fruition, we witness that the manufacturers are in search of new ones due to the impact of the disrupted supply chain on the automotive world. We shared with you statements from many different brands that production was suspended in electric and hybrid vehicles, especially in parallel with the supply problems experienced in the focus of cable systems. The potential of the crisis, in which names such as Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi and BMW were affected at the forefront at this stage, to have a greater impact than expected were also directly expressed by the executives. While Turkey continues to act as a mediator between the two countries, it is also questionable whether the important automobile factories in our borders will feel this crisis.

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First statements from brands in Turkey for the effects of the war between Russia and Ukraine

As we all know, there are production facilities of important brands in Turkey. We held some meetings with these brands such as Hyundai, Renault, Toyota and Fiat, which produce important products for both domestic and foreign markets, about the impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine on production in Turkey. The two names that gave us the clearest answer in these meetings were Hyundai and Fiat. Authorities;” Hyundai In Turkey, we can say that there is no disruption in production due to the lack of any supply from the region where the war took place. Some of the parts needed in our production process are produced here. Apart from this, there are also products that we supply from South Korea. We do not have any connection with the Russia-Ukraine region.” made statements.


Fiat Turkey; β€œAt this stage, we do not have a situation related to the disruption of production due to the war on our agenda. If such a situation arises, we will make official announcements from the necessary places.β€œAt least for now, it signals that there will be no problem in the operation. Renault and Toyota Turkey, to which we asked our questions, prefer not to comment for now. The Toyota front had to stop production at the beginning of March due to a cyber attack based in Japan.

