Will the chocolate be removed?

Will the chocolate be removed

The fact that food prices are in the ceiling is no secret. Especially the prices of coffee and cocoa are at record levels. In the past year alone, the price of chocolate has risen by 25 percent as a result of the high cocoa prices.

The thefts of chocolate have increased significantly in recent times, something that News24 Previously reported. A manager store manager in the Gothenburg area believes the thefts almost doubled lately, which has meant that several stores have been forced to lock in the candy.

At the same time, other grocery stores are forced to remove the chocolate from the loose weight candy as it has become far too expensive to sell in bulk. Candy and chocolate are cheaper in loose weight price, but when the price for buying chocolate for the stores rises, the economy does not hold.

Because of this, several shop owners for smaller stores choose to remove the chocolate out the loose weight candy, something that P4 Gothenburg Be the first to report.

News24 has contacted ICA to see how they solve the problem of high prices on chocolate and loose weight candy.

Jenny Gerdespress officer at ICA Group, writes in an email response to News24 that such a decision is not made centrally.

“Each store can customize its range based on local customers’ preferences.”, She writes, explaining:

“It’s up to each ICA store to decide.”
