The state appealed to the decision of the Toulouse administrative court on Monday. The latter had ordered the stop of the A69 site at the end of February.
Will the Castres-Toulouse (A69) motorway work? On February 27, the Toulouse administrative court ordered its judgment. What delight the A69 detractors. But that was without counting a new twist this Monday, March 24, 2025 in this case. “The state appealed the decision […] And at the same time asked for the stay of this decision in order to allow the rapid resumption of work on the site, “said the Ministry of Transport in a declaration sent to AFP, and of which franceinfo is notably echoing.
Concretely, in addition to contesting the decision, the State also requests permission to resume the work by what the next verdict be rendered. While the two appeals were filed on Friday evening, the Toulouse administrative court of appeal is now responsible for studying them. It remains to be seen whether this time it will give reason to the state. On the side of the opponents of the A69, we want to believe that the call is “dedicated to failure”, affirms the ecological collective the way is free.
Let us recall that if the State has always defended a project of public utility, justice had considered that there was no imperative reason for a major public interest (RIIPM) to the point of being able to justify the environmental attacks caused by the site started in 2023. But the government, such as local elected officials and other defendants of the motorway project, stresses the fact that two thirds of the budget have already been invested.