“Will stand up for Swedish snus”

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Minister of Finance Elisabeth Svantesson (M) has reacted to the information about a new EU proposal that will raise the price of snus significantly.

News24 has previously written about the EU’s proposal for a shock increase in snuff prices.

Price increase snus

In the leaked proposal, which is scheduled to be published in December, a new excise tax on tobacco is presented.

If the tax is introduced, it would mean that the price of a box of loose snus is raised by just over SEK 62 and the price of portioned snus by SEK 34.

The Minister of Finance on the snus proposal

“We have not seen the Commission’s proposal in its entirety, but the government will of course continue to stand up for Swedish snus. What is described here is an unreasonable proposition. We will of course oppose these increases,” writes the finance minister on Twitter.
